Here is how a messaging platform and a digital key provider deliver premier guest experiences

Many hoteliers ask what the added value of text messaging platforms are, worrying that the array of communication points and added complexity in the communication flow will create more work, rather than less. But that’s exactly why you don’t need to worry: an intelligent guest communication platform organizes communication with the guests, bringing it all into one place. This means that guests who prefer to communicate via Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, or WeChat rather than emails can do this - and the hotel will find all the messages arriving through these various platforms in one inbox. Voila!

Akia: a guest communication platform

Akia is a text-messaging platform designed to help vacation rentals quickly build and distribute customer-facing workflows to streamline their guest arrivals. Automating guest communication with Akia helps hotels reduce the front desk staff hours. When guests request extra towels or water, they do so by sending a simple message via Akia. Akia forwards this text directly to the housekeeping team. 

Furthermore, Akia digitizes guest information. The staff keeps regularly updated records and utilizes them as needed. If an issue arises, this data will allow the team to quickly contact the guest so they can investigate further. 

And what about digital keys? Yes, a digital key can be sent, giving guests convenient access to their hotel room whenever they want, with 100% flexibility. Let's have a look at exactly how this works.

FLEXIPASS: the digital open key platform

Imagine sending out the room key digitally, so that it goes directly to the guest’s phone - without the guest having to stop at the reception, or download an app. This will be accompanied by clear instructions on exactly how to use the key, ensuring guests have everything they need. You can make check-in more convenient and reduce the burden on your staff at the same time!  


Together, the two companies provide groundbreaking solutions to make the hotelier's job easier. Akia provides seamless communication with guests, and FLEXIPASS offers a variety of futureproof digital key technologies.

Clear added value for hoteliers:

  • Automation of the communication process throughout the guest’s stay, from arrival to departure

  • Added value to the guest journey, because they can use whatever messaging form is convenient for them and access their rooms with ease

  • Reduced staff costs 

  • Saved time of hotel personnel

  • Increased RevPAR


FLEXIPASS And SALTO’s Partnership Experience


Why you should be considering webkeys!