Why you should be considering webkeys!

From app-based Digital Keys to FLEXIPASS webkeys, the use of contactless keyless technology is on the rise in the hospitality industry

Imagine sending out the room key directly to the guests phone - without the guest having to pass by the reception, or download an APP. This is no possible thanks to technology provided by FLEXIPASS.  

Digital keys are becoming more common in the hospitality industry, and guests now have easier access to their rooms. For guests who would like to avoid installing new software on their mobile devices, webkeys a convenient solution, as they do not require users to download apps to open their doors. WebKeys are typically web-based, allowing guests to access a mobile-responsive website or progressive web app to easily unlock doors. 

Let's take a closer look at how simple WebKeys work.

  • Guests receive an intelligent link via text, email, or Whatsapp.

  • By opening this link, guests can access curated hotel information, services, and WebKeys.

  • With the tap of a button, guests can access their WebKeys and open their rooms in seconds.

Webkeys are a convenient option for guests who don't want to download an app to their mobile devices. WebKeys require an active data connection in order to work, which enhances the security, because they must be connected to the PMS. They can be set to automatically allow access to the guest’s rooms at the designated check-in time, and to revoke it after the check-out time. If guests need to access multiple doors, multiple door-opening buttons can also be displayed.

WebKeys offer both hotels and guests several advantages over traditional physical keys or plastic keycards:

  • Convenience: WebKeys can be accessed via a smartphone without the need for additional hardware or software. In particular, this makes it easier for users to access and control the doors from multiple locations or devices.

  • Security: WebKeys are more secure than traditional keys because they are encrypted and can easily be revoked or updated if lost or stolen. Additionally, they allow administrators to grant or restrict access privileges to specific users or time periods, allowing for more granular access control.

  • Cost-effective: WebKeys are a cost-effective solution because they eliminate the need for physical keys, plastic key cards, and additional hardware.

  • Customizable: WebKeys can be customized to meet specific user preferences and needs, such as restricting access to certain areas or granting temporary access to guests or contractors.




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