FLEXIPASS And SALTO’s Partnership Experience

Access Digital Keys Without Adding Apps

webkeys offer intelligent access control solutions to guests, improving their stay and boosting efficiency, without requiring any app download.

With the constant evolution of technology, guests expect increasingly swish solutions from the hospitality industry. The old-school metal key and even its more modern counterpart the keycard have become outdated, as they are clunky, easy to lose, and surprisingly unappealing. Hotels everywhere are looking to update their approach, and FLEXIPASS and SALTO’s partnership breathes new life into this challenging area.

Bluetooth digital key technology and NFC have started to eradicate physical keys of both types, bringing hotels into the modern era and providing guests with a convenient digital key that is simply stored on their phones. No card or key to carry around or lose!

FLEXIPASS has teamed up with SALTO Systems to bring WebKeys to their guests. They are revolutionizing the ways in which guests access their rooms – and together, the two companies plan to do a whole lot more for the digital guest experience.

Bringing Smart Access Solutions To The Hospitality Industry

Physical keys have been a staple of the hotel and hospitality industries for years. These keys granted access to rooms as planned, but they have many inherent flaws; they take up space in a guest’s wallet/pocket, they can cause long check-in processes, and they can easily get lost. In a worst-case scenario, that leads to unauthorized individuals gaining access to guests’ rooms and secure spaces.

The solution lies in digital key technology. A digital key is paired with a guest’s smartphone or smartwatch, meaning that they have constant access to the key, and they are able to use it contact-free. That was a game-changer during the COVID-19 pandemic, and remains a major bonus now. Keyless access control is pretty much mainstream, and many hotels that aren’t utilizing it are starting to look outdated.

This high-tech solution is a great way to improve both guest satisfaction and room security. It’s instant, it’s hassle-free, and it’s not going to get dropped in a corridor without being noticed the way that a keycard could. It’s the answer to secure access that guests need, and an increasing number of them expect to see it.

FLEXIPASS And SALTO’s Partnership Experience

FLEXIPASS is a well-established name in the world of digital key solutions, and its Guest Apps and WebKeys are superb options for hotels looking for better ways of controlling access. The solutions can be easily integrated with SALTO’s systems, enhancing the security and the convenience for both the hotels and the guests. Seamless, instant, and highly efficient, WebKeys are the future. The advantages include:

  • Immediate access: no more fumbling with a key in a lock or trying to get a keycard to swipe; digital access simply requires the tap of a button, and the door will unlock.

  • Full integration: WebKeys can be easily integrated with SALTO’s smart electronic locks, allowing easier access and better guest experiences. They can also be used with SALTO’s Space Hospitality management solution ecosystem.

  • Frictionless control: the easy check-in and check-out process gives the hotel better control over their rooms, reducing the burden on staff and improving the experience for guests.

  • App-free: there’s no need for guests to download an app, as the Progressive Web App technology offers a simpler, highly secure option.

What Are The Biggest Benefits Of Using WebKeys In Access Control?

There are some significant reasons for the hospitality industry to start moving toward WebKeys. The access option on offer resolves many of the issues that are faced by hotels and lodging spaces of all kinds, from basic motels to luxury 5-star hotels. With WebKeys, you can:

  • Improve your security: since there’s minimal risk of a digital key being lost or stolen, WebKeys make guests feel more secure, and give them a sense of safety in their rooms. Additionally, the hotel can revoke or grant access permissions remotely, making it easier for them to manage guest access, and remove it when necessary.

  • Cost-savings: ditching the physical equipment associated with traditional keys can represent some surprising cost savings, especially for hotels that use one-time plastic key cards. Swapping to digital keys can massively reduce a hotel’s environmental impact and save them money.

  • Smoother guest experience: instead of having to wait for ages at the front desk to get their key (or to replace a lost or faulty key/keycard), guests can access their rooms with the push of a button. They also don’t need to install an app, or spend time learning how to use complicated software to access their rooms. They simply press a button and they’ll be granted immediate access – which is important for guests who have been traveling and may be exhausted.

  • Improved efficiency: many hotels are struggling with staff numbers currently, and even those who aren’t can still benefit from more efficiency. Eliminating the need for physical keys frees up front desk staff to deal with other important tasks, and to pay more attention to arriving guests.

  • Enhanced guest loyalty: WebKeys are easy and reliable, offering guests the experience that they are looking for. When it comes to accommodation, people want things to be as straightforward as possible – and that means they will consistently opt for hotels that provide them with a secure and easy way to access their rooms.

Where Will FLEXIPASS And SALTO Go Next?

The hospitality industry is constantly being updated, and technology must be a fundamental part of the solutions that they implement. The partnership between FLEXIPASS and SALTO represents a major milestone in this transformation, pulling hotels into the modern era and enhancing their guest experiences. Innovation is going to be the cornerstone of success in hospitality, and hotels that embrace it will thrive.

SALTO’s integration with FLEXIPASS’s technology represents revolutionary convenience, efficiency, and security, and both companies are eager to see how their efforts will improve the hospitality industry. Technology is optimizing everything, ironing out pain points, and enhancing the guest experience in many different ways. We are proud to be part of these solutions, and excited to see what the future holds.


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