Humans vs Robots in Hospitality

From AI & Keyless Entry to Robotics & VR


Benefits of the human-robot collaboration

With the rapid use of AI in the hospitality industry, customer experiences are likely to be disrupted, as well as the way the workforce perceives the industry. AI can provide powerful tools that help customers or workers maximize their strengths while simultaneously minimizing their weaknesses.

It has to be pointed out that companies will face challenges in making sure that AI is implemented in a fair and equitable manner. For the successful implementation, certain considerations of several dimensions should be made.

  • Businesses should consider the ethical implications of robots. Some concerns may be replacement, responsibility, trust/safety, privacy/data protection and human cues.

  • Customer experiences with the inclusion of AI and its effect on the modern-day travel industry.

  • Optimizing employees' use of robots (interaction between employees and robots) to benefit the hospitality industry.

How robots can help along the customer journey

Questions still remain about how extensively robots will impact the industry but so far it is clear that certain tasks can be performed by robots, helping to recreate the customer experience. 

There are clear advantages and disadvantages to AI taking over positions along the customer journey. AI, specifically robots, can provide support to employees or even replace them in some cases. Although they are designed to perform specific tasks only, they are not designed to do everything. For example, service robots can perform some of the functions of a waiter, a barista, or a housekeeping team. 

Hotels all around the globe are relying on the manpower of robots due to staff shortages. The hygiene concepts and precautions of possible infection were another reason why many hotels decided to make use of AI technology during the pandemic.

A look at how the hospitality sector can seize future opportunities

As technology and connectivity have advanced, robotization in the industry has been accelerating rapidly. With a growing range of AI-enabled robotic applications, the hospitality sector has also benefited from a growing range of opportunities, including improved brand awareness, better customer service, and an increase in customer loyalty.

Robots have joined the trend of advanced AI. COVID-19 has played a crucial role in promoting a safer environment in all types of accommodation properties. Robots proved to be the safer option during the Pandemic as they can perform tasks without putting guests at risk of infection.

Digital interfaces with AI are likely to become prevalent in the hotel industry. This is beneficial for the customer experience, as robots can be sanitized between each guest and ensure a safe delivery service, such as in-room. Robots are able to use UV disinfection that humans can’t, so they provide safer services. They offer future digital concierge offerings, chatbots and voice-activated rooms within hotel rooms of tomorrow.

Will the workforce accept robots and work collaboratively?

Artificial intelligence has the potential to solve many problems, but it also presents more. The rise of artificial intelligence is going to mostly impact unemployment rates in countries where they are high- and that’s most countries. By taking away jobs such as seasonal and operational staff, there are many questions on how we will train workers to deal with this new technology. 

How will customers and robots coincide?

The question of how customers will react to new machines in the service industry is still up for debate. Most customers prefer interacting with humans, but others appreciate the efficiency and convenience that machines provide.

For AI to be more accepted by guests, the robots must show empathy and interact with people. With younger generations now growing accustomed to humanless service, it's possible that the future will successfully include a combination of both.

Some hotels or hotel chains may choose service robots to differentiate themselves and attract specific guest segments. It is not unlikely that in the future robots would be a selection criterion when choosing where to stay.

For hotels that prioritize human interactions, robots will not replace them. However, in other types of hotels, robots can accurately and efficiently provide all the services that are less reliant on human interaction.

The role of AI in improving overall business performance

Hotels' ability to provide even more personalized and tailored experiences will be boosted by AI, which is a game-changer for the hospitality workforce.

AI's ability to process large quantities of information allows business owners and managers to be more productive. Hoteliers should take advantage of this technology by implementing AI-based strategies in order to improve revenue and stay competitive.

The importance of emotional intelligence

In this review of the use of AI in the hospitality industry, it is clear that it will become a part of every daily business activity in the near future. As professionals, questions remain about how to adapt the workforce to those new practices. However, emotional intelligence (EQ) is one skill-set that is seen as most necessary for hospitality workers. With all these new technologies, is emotional intelligence still required in today’s work environment?

Most definitely!

Customers expect high-end service that aligns with technological advances. AI can only be programmed to carry out tasks when they receive certain inputs and they cannot exhibit the same soft skills as humans. Regardless, employees will be able to monitor all the tools of AI in the industry even if they have limited expertise and come across computers that show improved emotions than any before them.

The youngest generations expect the best service levels, integrated technological solutions, and high-EQ soft skills.

Job applicants will need to know how to use, monitor, and evaluate technology tools in the company to avoid any confusion. These skills will require managers to teach their staff effective ways of using new tech.

AI and how to apply it in the future

The era of AI in hospitality has just begun. Customers will soon experience a new level of hospitality, while workers in the industry will be faced with new tasks.

One example of AI's usefulness is a new application for the Metaverse, which focuses on social connections instead of just being a virtual world. This will allow people to visit rooms and properties even before arriving at their destination through the use of immersive experiences. A revolutionizing change in the travel industry.

The key to AI is that businesses can utilize it today in order to compete despite obsolete technology being in use in the future. Industry stakeholders need to embrace AI/ML and allow it to change workflows by evolving tasks to make them more efficient.


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