What Does The Hotel Of The Future Look Like?

What Does The Hotel Of The Future Look Like?

We asked planners, hoteliers and hospitality experts to make predictions about what the guest experience will be like. What follows is a list of features that are already in place or will soon be here without you even knowing it. The hotel experience will change and it will most definitely be to the guest's taste when they enter a room.

Getting customers to book a room is a big step, but once you've done that, remember that future trends in hotel technology suggest that companies will double the mobile experience by creating interesting and engaging content within their own apps.

Hotels have had their own mobile apps for some time, but in most cases they have limited themselves to allowing guests to check in and solely view the hotel's floor plan. But today hotels are harnessing the power of sensors and smartphones to transform the mobile experience for guests the minute they step outside. Hotels are now able to integrate a variety of additional features into their existing mobile apps like automated messaging and mobile keys. Fortunately, these new technologies like implementing mobile keys will free up hotel staff to bypass repeated work and focus on actual hospitality.

As hotels step up efforts to reduce the spread of viruses, we caught a glimpse of what the future of the hospitality industry could look like. Here are the ways in which hotel practices will adapt to the post-COVID 19 future.

Instead of traditional wall art, the hotel of the future could integrate walls that respond to the movements of guests. Guests would be able to interact with these walls while watching TV, and they could replace traditional in-room entertainment systems. Interactive wall surfaces are also installed, which act as an information desk.

According to a Deloitte report, the hotel room of the future will be as exciting - drivable as it is today and as driver-friendly as its predecessor. This transformation is the result of two major changes in the design of hotel rooms.

As the travel industry continues to grow and develop, hospitality, airlines and hotels are trying to stay one step ahead in order to stand out. Hoteliers will try to offer their guests unforgettable hotel experiences that are uniquely tailored.

Are you ready for a new era of hospitality?


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