Here is why Student well-being matters

3 Reasons Why Well-Being Should Be Top Priority For Student Accommodation Providers

Over the few last years, PBSA providers learned how to best support and be closer to their student communities. Although the pandemic was a difficult time for everyone, it also had a positive impact on changing the mindset toward discussing mental health. As this is an important shift change, it’s also a new challenge for PBSA operators.

The importance of well-being and PBSA

Well-being should be a top priority for student accommodation providers because it is essential for students to be able to live, learn, and thrive in their environment. By prioritizing well-being, student accommodation providers can create an optimal learning environment for students.

Benefits of paying attention to well-being

There are many benefits of well-being, including reducing stress, improving mental and physical health, and promoting academic success. Stress is a major contributor to poor health and can negatively impact students’ academic performance. By reducing stress levels, student accommodation providers can help improve students’ overall health and well-being. In addition, by promoting well-being, student accommodation providers can also help improve students’ academic achievement.


Create a sense of belonging

Belonging is a sense of connection to others and feeling like you are part of a community. It can be promoted through things like building a sense of community among residents, providing opportunities for social interaction and encouraging students to get involved in campus life.

Offer social support

Social support refers to the availability of people to provide help and assistance when needed. It can come from family, friends, colleagues or even strangers, but it’s important that students feel like they have someone they can turn to if they need help. For student accommodation providers, this might mean having staff available 24/7 to provide support, offering free counseling services or providing information on where to find help if needed.

Empathize on the importance of mental health

Mental health is an often overlooked aspect of well-being, but it’s vitally important for all students. Mental health problems can lead to poor academic performance, increased absenteeism and even drop-out rates, so it’s crucial that students have access to mental health support if they need it. Student accommodation providers can promote mental health by raising awareness of the importance of good mental health, providing information

What can happen without proper attention to It

If student accommodation providers do not make well-being a top priority, a number of negative consequences can follow. First and foremost, students’ physical and mental health can suffer. Poor mental health can lead to lower grades and increased dropout rates, while poor physical health can cause absenteeism and lead to a decreased quality of life. In addition, student accommodation that is not focused on well-being can be a breeding ground for crime and violence. Finally, financial problems can arise when students are not able to properly take care of their accommodation or are forced to live in cramped, unhealthy conditions.


So, how can you create a well-being-focused student accommodation experience?

Here are a few recommendations:

1. Prioritize Safety

Students should feel safe in their accommodations at all times. This means ensuring that building security is up to par and conducting regular safety audits. It also means being responsive to any concerns or incidents that may occur.

2. Encourage Healthy Living

Help students maintain healthy lifestyles by providing amenities such as on-site fitness facilities, healthy food options, and plenty of green space. You can also encourage active living by organizing group fitness classes or outdoor recreation opportunities.

3. Foster Connections

Strong social connections are essential for student well-being. Offer opportunities for residents to get to know one another through organized social activities, communal spaces, and common interests programming.

The link between happiness and academic success

Research has shown that there is a strong link between happiness and academic success. Happy students are more likely to achieve their academic goals. Therefore, by promoting well-being among students, student accommodation providers can indirectly promote academic success.

In order to promote well-being among students, student accommodation providers should create an environment that is conducive to relaxation and study. The accommodations should be comfortable and safe, with plenty of natural light and ventilation. There should also be ample space for studying and socializing. In addition, the accommodations should be located near campus so that students can easily access all the resources they need.

The role and purpose of student accommodation providers

Students don't tend to worry about accommodation issues until they arrive in a new city or county and struggle to make new friends - but this doesn't mean that student accommodation providers should ignore the problem of student well-being. If you are renting out accommodation for your students then it's important to understand how you can support their well-being and provide an environment where they feel safe, secure, and cared for.

Student accommodation providers play an important role in ensuring the well-being of their residents. By providing safe and comfortable accommodation, they can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels, as well as promote physical and mental health.

In addition to providing a safe and comfortable place to live, student accommodation providers can also help to support residents’ well-being by offering additional services such as laundry and cleaning, 24-hour security, and on-site gym facilities. By offering these services, student accommodation providers can help to create a supportive environment that promotes resident wellbeing.

How well-being is considered to be the key success factor in business

Student well-being has been linked to improved academic performance, increased retention rates and decreased absenteeism. For student accommodation providers, this means that promoting and supporting the well-being of their students should be a top priority.

There are many factors that contribute to student well-being, but three key areas that have been shown to have a particularly strong impact are a sense of belonging, social support and mental health.


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